Sometimes the shoes make the woman. Oh, yes. You know what I mean. I may be a salt-of-the-earth farm girl, but I still have my self-esteem in the form of footwear moments. Enter Bryr Clogs. Ah-mazing. Can I gush? Of course I can. These shoes are made by Isobel, my forever fabulous friend from those heady post-college San Francisco days (oh, the nineties). So, of course I'm proud of her. I mean, just look at these boots. (Just in case you want more inspiration, here's her full website.)
She swung through town over the weekend, stayed long enough to catch a market, and left me in her dust with a pair of her clogs glued to my feet. Why glued? Because they haven't come off since then. I love these shoes. I know this week's jam is going to be off the charts, just by virtue of my feeling just a little tiny bit cooler this week.
Besides the shoes, she's even plugged my humble jam wares on her flashy blog. Check it out! And even though I like being photographed about as much as I love scrubbing my jam pot at the end of cooking day, I think she did a great job of capturing me mid-Saturday market. We had to pause between catching up over lattes and handing out samples of the latest flavors.
So, thanks Isobel and here's a lifetime supply of jam to my favorite ex-wing woman/amazing cobbler/incredible friend. You rock! I guess I might have to finally take off my new boots to pick figs tomorrow. Otherwise, the soles could be wrecked for good.
She swung through town over the weekend, stayed long enough to catch a market, and left me in her dust with a pair of her clogs glued to my feet. Why glued? Because they haven't come off since then. I love these shoes. I know this week's jam is going to be off the charts, just by virtue of my feeling just a little tiny bit cooler this week.
Besides the shoes, she's even plugged my humble jam wares on her flashy blog. Check it out! And even though I like being photographed about as much as I love scrubbing my jam pot at the end of cooking day, I think she did a great job of capturing me mid-Saturday market. We had to pause between catching up over lattes and handing out samples of the latest flavors.
So, thanks Isobel and here's a lifetime supply of jam to my favorite ex-wing woman/amazing cobbler/incredible friend. You rock! I guess I might have to finally take off my new boots to pick figs tomorrow. Otherwise, the soles could be wrecked for good.